Thursday, July 3, 2008

Grandpa's Birthday

It's a tradition that Lucas and my Dad have put on a firework extravaganza for my parent's neighborhood in Salem. I think each year the display gets bigger and better than the year before. This year neighbors were asking my parents when the "big event" would take place at least a week before the fourth. This year the magical display wound up on my dad's birthday. So his 61st year starting with a bang, and a whistle, and some fountains, and some showers of light.

Each year after the hour long display-o-lights we sweep up all the debris and put it all in a giant red bucket. This year was no different, except we used two buckets because we made that much garbage. Fast forward to the next morning, when mom finds a post-it-note on the front door stating that at 0100 the fire department put out the fire that was in the driveway. The remnants of the fire: a melted red bucket into the driveway.
1. ALWAYS leave your fireworks trash far from the house.
2. Have good neighbors who will call 911 when your driveway is on fire.
3. Next year use water to douse trash.

Getting the loot ready
Happy Birthday Dad!
The boys with fireworks
Owen, mom and I watched the display from the driveway. I was worried that the fireworks may deafen my child, but Mom did a great job covering Owen's ears during the loud whistles. Owen only cried a little bit, and I blame hunger, NOT the fireworks.

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