Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tillamook Air Museum

The nose of a Mig-17Tillamook actually has a pretty good air museum. We went there on Saturday. Lucas loves airplanes, almost as much as he loves to cook. So, he knew every plane before I got to the little plaque telling me about it.

When I ask Lucas what he thinks Owen will be when he grows up, there is no hesitation. "He's going to be a pilot." So, we're starting his training early.... going to air museums. Next month when we visit Allie in D.C. we'll go to the mother of all air museums: the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Owen, I mean Lucas, can't wait.

Owen and a Russian Mig-17.

The air museum is inside the blimp hanger. It was used during WWII to store blimps, hence the name. Did you know that it only took 30 days to build?

The A-7. A light attack aircraft from the Vietnam era.

Owen's new talent: fitting all five fingers in his mouth at once. It makes his entire face glisten with spit... but he sure does like to eat his hand!


javajill said...

And did you know, that it was one of the largest wooden structures in the world. (I don't know if this is still true . . .)

javajill said...

Oh, and I was watching the Smithsonian Channel, and there is a new extention (?) to the Air and Space Mueseum being build near one of the airports.