Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mini Lucas

Lucas is the chef of the family. I think everyone knows this. While my cooking skills have improved (I made a delightful broccoli cheddar soup last night) I will always be the sous chef to Lucas.

The ONLY reality TV Lucas watches is Top Chef on Bravo. They are about to start season five. There are only trailers and teases at this point, no start date. Lucas gets so happy when he sees the ads, but then so disappointed when they don't reveal the exact Wednesday it starts. I figure I have to finish this season of Project Runway before it starts. Only three more weeks, then the reunion show... then...then I think Top Chef New York will begin. (soon Lucas, hang in there)

Last season was great. We were talking with our friends Heather and Jennifer about it. Heather is a fan, a Top Chef junkie, just like Lucas. I think if they lived in the Portland area, there would be Top Chef get togethers every week. Bets would be placed. Quick fire challenges would be attempted. Good food would be eaten.

They got Owen this cute onsie to solidify the fact that Top Chef is the best reality show Bravo has to offer. Maybe even the best reality show that's out there... maybe the best show. Period. They also got Lucas a T-Shirt that says: I have a culinary boner. They do know my husband well.

Yes, Owen is "standing". (with a little help)
Owen has his own set of cooking toys. Some kids have toy keys, mine has toy measuring spoons and a salt shaker!
Owen and a grown up kitchen utensil. Before we know it he'll be making his own gourmet mashed potatoes!


Suzanne said...

I'm quite certain broccoli and delightful don't belong in the same sentence. :)

- Joanne O. said...

Wesley was the same. He had cooking utensils as toys. Now, he has alot more and "cooks" all the time with them. He also LOVES to help cook for real. Maybe we'll both have famous chefs in the family when they get older and can always cook for their parents. :)