Friday, August 22, 2008

Zoo day

We went to the zoo today. I love our zoo pass (thanks mom and dad). It's so nice just to go for an hour or two and leave, without feeling bad that we spent the money. Today we focused on the polar bears, mandrills, and the elephants.

Big news in the elephant department: Rose the elephant is in labor! A new baby elephant will be born today or tomorrow. While we couldn't watch the labor, we did get to see the expectant father, and talk to a very knowledgeable lady about elephants. Facts we learned:
  1. the other female elephants are acting as midwives to Rose
  2. the baby elephant will weigh between 150 and 300 pounds
  3. elephants don't have recreational sex... only business sex
  4. elephants are only fertile three days every three months
  5. elephants will breast feed for 24 months
  6. if the baby is a girl, she'll stay at the zoo. if it's a boy, he'll need to go to another zoo when he's 10.
  7. the dad elephant doesn't care about the baby. His job was done 22 months ago.
  8. elephants communicate in tones that are too low for humans to hear

Owen sat in his stroller today for the first time. Usually he's in the car seat that fits in the stroller. He didn't like it at first, must be crazy to see the world coming at you that fast. Then he took a 10 minute nap. Then he discovered he liked it.

You can see the expectant father in the back ground...just left of center.

Owen slept through the polar bears. (my favorite animals)
Very close up picture of the mandrills... this one made eye contact with Lucas.

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