Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Jury is out

I don't know if I like overalls or not. Sometimes I think they are cute, other times they seem a little silly. I like how they look on hangers, how you can mix and match the undershirts... but with the bib and the attached pants, I think they sometimes look dumb. (sorry if this offends all my overall wearing friends) My friend Tiff got Owen this very cute ensemble. Again, it looks great on the hanger, so I thought we'd try them out today since it's a rainy cold day... and the outfit consists of long pants and long sleeves.

I'll be the first to admit I don't know the easiest way to put on baby overalls... better from the top, or better from the bottom. I got them on with no problems, we stepped into them. But then the diaper change...please note the obscene amount of snaps. There are NINE snaps. I bent two nails back, and muttered curse words under my breath.
But, there is a cute design on the legs, so how can I hate to overalls too much?
And, I have to say Owen can pull them off quite nicely.
He seems to like them.
I had baked some brownies for Lucas and his co-workers (very Betty Crocker of me), so Owen and I drove up to OHSU to deliver them to Lucas. Lucas was able to take his lunch break while we were there. Owen was all smiles for the other nurses. Owen really liked looking at all the trees while Lucas ate his lunch. He's such an outdoorsman.


Suzanne said...

I think overalls are way cute, and Owen pulls them off very nicely. (I put them on bottoms first. If you have them already snapped they pull on just like pants.) But I will admit they end up just hanging in the closet more often than not.

Suzanne said...

I just noticed Owen's socks don't match. I love it! :)

- Joanne O. said...

His overalls are cute. . . but, I have to say, I hate overalls. They are definately a pain to deal with.