Monday, August 18, 2008

We can still do it!

Lucas and I love to travel. Heck, we found out we were pregnant in Prague. We told ourselves that we would continue to travel when we had a kid. So, with me going back to work soon, we decided it was a perfect time for a quick weekend getaway: hop on a plane and play for a couple days. We didn't tell many people, just in case we chickened out. But we did it, we went to San Fransisco for the weekend. Owen did great on the plane rides, and did great overall. He is a very good baby.

Here we are on our way to Alcatraz

Us on a cable car. I had to sit with Owen, while Lucas got to stand on the back. This is our family self-portrait.
We walked the Golden Gate Bridge.
I think Lucas could eat his weight in fresh crab from the wharf.

After spending so much time in the Baby Bjorn, Owen loved the stretch we gave him in the airport. I think he loved looking at all the airplanes too.
Things we learned on our trip:
  • Owen likes airplanes (just like his dad).
  • While I still think it was a good idea not to take a stroller and just carry Owen in the Baby Bjorn, my back is killing me!
  • Owen doesn't mind a little dim sum, crab juice, syrup or balsamic vinegar spilled on him. (all due to eating with him between me and my plate)
  • Lucas loves to eat chicken feet. Well, maybe love is a strong word, but he was happy to eat all of them during our dim sum lunch. No, I did not try them.
  • You can try everything to prevent a sunburn on a baby and still fail. In Owen's case he burned his left cheek. It made me very sad, he didn't seem to mind. I can't wait until I can use sun screen on him!
  • Owen likes to sleep through most of the tourist activities. We got lots of pictures of Owen sleeping at Alcatraz, Owen sleeping on the cable car, Owen sleeping on the bridge. Not to worry though, I don't think he would remember the trip anyhow. But we got lots of pictures to prove he was there.
  • Owen's nails feel like razor blades against my sunburn.
  • While we know travelling with an 11 week old will be easier than travelling with him when he's older, we did it, and it was a success!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Owen sure got in a lot of "firsts" this weekend:
1-first plane ride
2-first boat ride
3-first time being in prison
4=first time walking on a huge bridge
5-first time on a cable car

(Owen, please don't repeat #3 in real life)

Glad for you all that he makes a fine traveler/tourist!

Suzanne said...

3 states down, 47 to go!

I vote the next state to cross off the list be Idaho. :)

Anonymous said...

lol I can relate to the Dim Sum experience. My client in Richmond, BC took us out to authentic Dim Sum. There is a huge Chinese emigrant population there. The menu and ordering cards were ENTIRELY in Chinese. It was a huge restaurant that seated well over 100 people.. Customer count would be 99+ short Asians.. 1 tall Caucasian. When I walked in it was like a record scratch and everyone turned around to stare at me. Too funny. I did manage to impress my hosts with my mad chopstick skills (yeah for sushi bars!!)

Anonymous said...

Btw.. I too turned down the chicken feet.