Thursday, August 7, 2008

10 weeks

If decade means 10 years, than Owen is decweek today. He's TEN weeks!! He posed for his weekly picture. The first one he looks as though he's reflecting on his "long life". The second, he must be remembering something good... maybe his last bottle, or a joke his dad told him.

We then shot a little video. I'm trying teach him about his tongue, sometimes he tries to stick his out to mimic mine. He was so talkative and smiley until the camera came out, then he got a little camera shy,but I still think we got a good one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I lost the sound on my laptop again, so I just make things up. In the video, I like to think Owen is saying "Hi Grandma" and is waving to me. And then is saying (a little confused) "wait a minute, where's Grandma?"