Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Day Three: Talkeetna

After the beautiful train ride up, we hoped on a quick bus ride to board the boat. We toured up the river to the base of Denali. While it was a beautiful blue day, the mountains were covered in a haze from a local forest fire.

 This river is frozen solid during the winter.
 The sides of the river are torn apart each spring by the huge chunks of moving glaciers coming down river.
 A big mound of trees from beavers.
 The small holes in the side of the dirt are from swallows. The homestead up above has no road access. It flags down the train for transport into town and for delivery of supplies. They used to have much more land, but each year the glaciers take more of their backyard.
 A bald eagle made an appearance.
 We got to leave the boat and take a small hike to see a native fishing and hunting hut.
 This hole was used to help keep fish cold.
 Who doesn't love to play with skulls and antlers?

 Two "beavers" in front of a beaver trap.
 Our guide carried a 12-gauge shot gun to keep us safe from bears. Owen thought the safest place was right next to her.
 A small hut, fit for kids!
 Keep food high and away from bears.
 Or, become a bear!

 I never thought wearing a dead bear would make Owen so happy!

Alaska has BIG bugs

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