Monday, March 2, 2009

NIne Months and Cousins

Owen turned nine months old yesterday. His cousin Beatrix turned three months. They got to see each other to "celebrate". Today, he had his nine month check up. Per the doctor, he is a very happy, healthy baby. He weighs 20lb 12 oz (50%) and 29 inches tall (75-80%). He also got two more shots, which he was very brave for!

Suzi and her kids came up to visit for the day. We walked to a park nearby to play. A walk that normally takes five minutes, takes much longer with a parade of kids!

An action shot with Zachary, Seth and Abigail.

Owen took his first swing ride. He had a really fun time, especially with Seth watching on.
The kids at play. It amazes me how well all the kids can play together!

Seth decided he needed a nap, and crawled up on the couch... such a sweet little boy!

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