Friday, January 11, 2008


I will be the first to admit I am not a good safe-cracker. I tried a few times to break into my co-workers lockers. (I wouldn't have TAKEN anything, or even looked through their personal belongings, I just wanted to say I was on my way to becoming a safe cracker.) But I failed... and I've given up trying anymore...

Never you fear, I've created a new hobby for myself: YARN. I taught myself to knit, and this past weekend my friend taught me to crochet. Yes, you heard me right, I now am a yarn-ologist. I still need to find someone to teach me macrame... but I know someone out there will teach me. Or I will find a "how-to" book, I will teach myself and some lucky reader out there will receive the best hanging plant holder they've seen since 1977.


Anonymous said...

Hey Marla, I haven't macrame'd since the late '70s, but I'm willing to try to remember if you really want to learn. It's just tying a bunch of knots. Mainly a lot of Square knots: right over left, left over right. I think I even have a book "somewhere"- in the storage room. Hey, if you could find it, it would be kind of like safe cracking. You'd fulfill two goals at once!

javajill said...

Would you like some random extra yarn that I'm not ever going to use?

And is this some form of nesting, preparing for the little one? Making booties and sweaters and the like?