Thursday, June 19, 2014

Fleet Week

Slightly out of order, but here's the missing pictures for fleet week, an annual part of the rose festival. We went to see the big Navy boats, but were told that kids had to be eight to go on the boats. Owen was quite sad, but luckily we were told the Coast Guard boats let six year olds on. So, we got a great tour of a Coast Guard boat.

 The covers were closed, but Owen asked to look down each one... and each time they opened it for him.

 A boy and his dad.

 On the bridge of the boat: Captain Owen.

 Or, maybe he wants to be a gunman.

 Or Navigator.

 The steep stairs were a little tricky at times, I'm amazed how quickly the coast guard moves around in these spaces. When Owen was going down a set, he said, "scary Mary, bloody Mary." Then just laughed and laughed... silly guy.

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