Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lakeview Pumpkin Patch

Today was a perfect day for the pumpkin patch. Cloudy, cool, and with 16 people. Suzi and Jill's Family, along with mom and dad. It was a great day. The boys were a little photogenic.

 We got to ride a train to the pumpkin patch. Everyone had fun, but Henry LOVED it! Henry and I also rode it back, while the rest of the family rode the boat.

 We tried many times for a group of nine kids. They did pretty good, and a few pictures turned out pretty good. This one from the first shoot: Hay bails.
 Our Family.
 Shoot two (or maybe three): Operation sit on pumpkins
 Lucas' picture of me, taking a picture of Henry.
 Brothers Max and Trey.
 Zachary and Beatrix
 Sweet Beatrix
 A lot of the family riding on the boat.
After the pumpkin patch, we all went back to our house for a huge spaghetti feast that Lucas cooked up for us. So lovely to spend the afternoon with family.

1 comment:

MOM said...

It was a wonderful afternoon and delicious dinner. Thank-you Marla and Lucas for organizing the day. We have such a wonderful time when everyone is together (missed you Doug). And whoo-hoo to you Missy for getting this blog together so quickly! I'm impressed!
Love to everyone,