Saturday, June 21, 2008

Olympian in training

Today I was feeding Owen and talking to Jill on the phone. I thought multi-tasking would be a good idea, but then my hungry hippo ate a little too fast without a "burp break". I sat him up to burp him and he projectile vomited over four feet. Jill heard it happen, I got to see and feel it. All over him, my shirt, my jeans, the edge of the couch, the carpet and the blanket sitting two feet from the couch. I think this may have won a medal in the Projectile Vomit Olympics. Amazing how far a little three week baby can toss his cookies.

I know this is only the first of many times he'll do this, but the first time is always the best!


Suzanne said...

Ha ha ha ha! Baby puke is the best! Glad to hear that your little dude is a gold medal barfer. :) Sorry to hear he hit your new couch, though.

- Joanne O. said...

Oh no, a new couch and a new baby. Ouch!!! You'd better start pulling out the couch covers or the plastic, because this will be the first of MANY to come. We have had to commit to cleaning the furniture every time we clean the carpets now, for Wesley just loves to throw up . . . still.