Friday, February 8, 2008

Mom v. Dad

Let's start this story with a little preface. I just finished working seven nights in a row... call it greed, stupidity, or poor planning... but I survived (just like Gloria Gainer said I would). Lucas also did a seven night stretch, he also survived.

Lucas and I carpool into work. It's a little awkward, since I start at 1800 and he starts at 1900, but it works. I have gotten into the habit of taking my knitting to work with me, so that when I clock out at 0630, I just knit for the hour until he comes and gets me. I works nicely. And we save some money on gas, and the environment one trip to work at a time.

After working night number six, I started a new package of yarn. The theory goes, grab the innards out of the skein, and it will not tangle. Although this theory has worked in the past, on this beautiful blue skein, it FAILED miserably. I soon had about a 5 foot stretch of yarn tangled into a big mess. I tried to untangle it at work. I worked on it for about 15 minutes, I am sure making it worse than it started. I was VERY tired. I was about to just cut out the big knot, when a co-worker suggested I try again when I wasn't so tired.

The Knot sat in my bag two days.

So today, after I actually slept, I tried again.

The Knot reminded me of tangled necklaces which my mom would give to my dad to untangle. He has endless patience. The Knot also reminded me of times when a comb or brush would get caught in our hair growing up. My mom would either just cut it out, or drive us to dad's office for him to untangle it. Again, he has endless patience.

So, there I was, on the couch, with my 5 feet of tangled, knotted yarn.

On one shoulder was my dad "just work on it, it will come out just have PATIENCE"

On the other shoulder was my mom "just cut it out, it will be faster, then you can start knitting again"

Cut... patience... cut... patience... cut... patience...

Five minutes passed... I couldn't tell if I was making it better or worse.

FINALLY a breakthrough... I saw the path to un-tangle-ness. I worked for about 10 more minutes. Finally my dad's voice coming through... yes PATIENCE prevailed! (or you could call it stubbornness) I beat the Knot. I won.

Yes, today I show yet again I am my dad's daughter.

(I think this also counts as passing Yarn-ology class 104. Just one more step into my yarn-ology master.)


Anonymous said...

I am soooo proud of you!

Suzanne said...

Who needs to crack padlocks when you have a ball of yarn!

javajill said...

Oh, you had me laughing out loud in my classroom. ha ha ha!

nro said...

i was laughing at your post, and picturing you battling the Knot... until it happened to me the next day! i spent hours untangling pieces (enough to knit another row), and then finally had to cut it out. :( you are a better untangler than i...