Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I am my mother's daughter

We decided to turn our "guest room" into the baby's room. By guest room, I mean it did have a queen sized bed, and Jill will attest that it did work for sleep. But I also doubled for our storage room for the past 5 years. So whenever we needed to use the room for a guest room, the large amount of junk and prized possessions moved from the bed to the closet, the floor, under the bed, or anywhere else in the room, so that our guest could sleep in the bed.

So, one weekend, two truck loads of stuff to Good Will... and a few storage bins packed with stuff sent to our garage, we had a clear and clean room... the carpet is BEAUTIFUL... (amazing how clean it can stay if there is a layer-o-stuff on top of it!!)

So, the next step... decoration. We bought a very cute border from Baby's R US that matches our bedding... It said it was easy to install... but knowing the story of mom and dad putting up wallpaper, I knew that even though it SAID it was easy... not to believe it!

So Lucas and I got to work... we washed the walls, and set up our supplies... water, straight razor, cardboard, level, towels... and we brought our patience too.

The first 6 feet almost caused divorce... it was not easy, it wasn't even close to easy! Making the dang stuff stick to the wall... in an even line... quite challenging. We almost gave up... does little Baby Friedler really want borders!!??

But we tried again... we cut the next piece... I was in charge of aligning the seams...

Let me stop here a moment... I am not a perfectionist. That's my mom. I am not super anal when it comes to straight versus crooked... matching things perfectly again... that's my mom....

But when it came to aligning those seems... with its little green gingham pattern... my "mom's genes" came through... it was PERFECT... little white square to little white square... little green square to little green square... you can't even tell there IS a seam... except by feel! YUP... I may have patience with knot's from my dad... but I have wallpaper perfectionism from my mom!


Anonymous said...

I was laughing out loud reading your Blog. Yes, I agree, wall papering is the source of many divorces, I'm sure. Only strong marriages can make it thru. We don't press our luck too often. Must allow at least a couple years between projects. I'm proud you made the little squares line up :)
Yep, that's my girl

- Joanne O. said...

Just wait until you have your baby, you'll really think you're becoming your mom or dad. All of the things you'll do you'll remember all of those times when your mom or dad said or did it to you.