Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Lucas got the day off of work... so we thought we should take advantage and go to the zoo. We were there just over and hour, the grey skies were looming, but we didn't care. As soon as we loaded everything into the car the clouds unleashed their fury... crazy, un-Oregon-like rain came pouring down. Such good timing!
Here's Lucas and Henry... They were just making the cutest faces at each other! The zoo has a dinosaur display going on... Owen is in LOVE with dinosaurs. He thought this one was pretty cool... until it started moving, and roaring. Then he took a few steps back.
The lions' schedule looks a lot like Henry's.
Owen and his other favorite love: penguins!
Owen pointing out the ducks!

We had a great time. It was the first time we let Owen out of the stroller to run around. He was TIRED by the time we were done.

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