Friday, April 23, 2010

Left Side

Henry has been home just over eight weeks. In those eight weeks, his jaw has gotten bigger, his tongue more forward, and overall, so much stronger... I have proof, psychological proof. For the past eight weeks, he sleeps in our room, in a bassinet on my side of the bed. His saturation monitor sits on my nightstand. For each night, for the past 57 nights, I sleep on my right side. This way, I'm able to look at the monitor by simply opening my eyes, able to fix his airway quickly, with barely a movement. Luckily, I like sleeping on my right side... but I've longed to feel comfortable enough with Henry's breathing to change positions. It's like sleeping on a couch, knowing there's just nowhere to move, so why fret about it... and I really haven't fretted about it, or really even noticed it. Until last night. Last night, I woke up for the first time on my left side! I officially feel that he is doing well enough that I ROLLED OVER! Ah... it was nice.

1 comment:

MOM said...

Mama & baby both making great progress. I am so proud of both of you!