Saturday, September 19, 2009


To quote The Decemberists, "Oh, If I could only get to Oceanside..." and that's just what we did today. While it was rainy in Portland, it was beautiful at the coast. I'm so glad we decided to go. Even if it was rainy, we would have had a great time... but add the sun and a nice breeze, it was perfect. Owen was quite happy on the blanket. I kept trying to get him to stand up in the sand... but he had none of it... too unstable.

And the fact that Lucas was busy feeding birds... he was content to hang out with me... for a bit.

So happy to see the birds... he even would make the sounds of seaguls!
Self-portrait... Look at my Oshel gum smile!

Lucas took Owen to feed the birds too... Owen just kept saying "duck, duck"... close enough.

He had a great time... I was a little nervous... birds being so close to Owen's delectable toes and all...
After we were out of bread, we walked to the water... Owen loved to walk on the wet sand... much more stable.

And while we thought he may not like the water... he LOVED it! Hated it when we lifted him up. Wanted to sit... but mostly stood and walked in it.

Lucas and Owen.
Camera switch... me and Owen.

Owen may have been looking at the Coast Guard helicopter that was flying overhead.

Dipping our toes.

Owen only plopped down once... he didn't even mind his wet bottom...

Family Portrait... all four of us.

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