Sunday, February 1, 2009

Owen and Kate: round two

Jill and Kate were the first to get here for the family get-together. This time, Owen dealt with Kate much better. Kate still moves faster than any eight month old I've ever seen (she has mad skills), but now Owen seems to be learning from her, instead of being scared of her. They played really well together.

Shared kisses and cooties.
Climbed all over each other. (almost inappropriate, but not quite)

And actually shared toys together.

We tried to figure out who was taller. I think they are within an inch of each other, and pretty close in weight. But they are both so different to hold. Kate is definitely girly, and Owen is definitely has a boy build.

We had a great weekend, though now we all sick with snotty noses. Owen's first official cold, courtesy of Kate.

1 comment:

- Joanne O. said...

I love the pic of them sharing the toys. They are so focused on looking at each other.