Monday, November 19, 2007

umbrella etiquette

I am an Oregonian. I have never owned an umbrella. (that may be a lie... I may have owned an umbrella in the first grade, but only because it was bought for me, and only because it had Strawberry Shortcake on it). So I'll change my intro...

I am an Oregonian. I have never bought an umbrella. I have never used an umbrella. I don't mind getting wet. I'd rather get wet than have an umbrella turn inside out in the wind. I'd rather get wet than poke an innocent person's eye out.

We went to the Farmer's market on Saturday. It was raining. Rather it was borderline POURING. I had a hoodie on, I was fine. What I was not fine with were the many people who carried umbrellas and had no clue that they would run into me. Poke me. Nearly take out an eye (thank goodness for my glasses). WHY don't people realize that when using an umbrella, they take up more space! I don't get it. I could ALMOST tolerate the six year old twirlling his umbrella, spraying water everywhere... but, I will admit I grabbed the umbrella to stop the added water spray.

I hate umbrellas. Get wet, we aren't made of sugar!


Anonymous said...

Your Tillamook roots are showing. Didn't you know that people raised in the city are a bunch of whooses.

- Joanne O. said...

Right on!!! I'm the same way. . . I won't melt. Erick always tells me I need rain coat and umbrella. Why? I'll dry.

nro said...

ha! well, things aren't much different in sunny california. peeps here use umbrellas in the summer to shield the shade - same dangers of eye poking out, though.