Friday, November 2, 2007

a few firsts

Well, pregnancy has definitely given me my share of "firsts", here are a few...

  • My first food aversion: I hate chocolate. The smell, the taste, even the thought of makes me nauseous. Buying Halloween candy was difficult... and there's about 10 leftover pieces sitting in the kitchen, just staring at me... taunting me. I may actually have to throw them away. Sure, it makes me sad, I've always loved chocolate... but maybe it's a good thing... it's not THAT good for you.
  • My first food craving: KFC. I can't remember the last time I ate at KFC, let alone crave it. And I didn't just crave the mashed potatoes and gravy... no, I craved the 11 secret special spices. No fears, I didn't eat it off the bone, something that still grosses me out... but the chicken strips... they were so tasty. I didn't even use the ranch dressing provided...
  • My first vomit: I ate a graham cracker. It seemed so innocent. It tasted so good. And it did, going down. I puked so hard to get every crumb of that graham cracker out of my body, I actually got bruising around my eyes... it makes me very thankful that I'm nauseous all the time, but don't actually vomit. (sorry Jill)
  • My first ultrasound: We had our first doctor's appointment on Halloween. Everything went great... we got to see the little bugger's heartbeat. It was very cool. As Lucas put it: "I've seen cool things all around the world, but that was by far the neatest thing I've ever seen."


- Joanne O. said...

One of the very few things I could eat while pregnant was fried chicken. For some reason, I constantly craved it and wanted it at least 4 times a week.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the chocolate and graham crackers - two of my favorite foods!
KFC, not too bad for a craving. Lucas' comment brought a tear (or two) to my eye!

javajill said...

Remember when I had my wisdom teeth out and we went in search of the KFC to get the mash pot and gravy? Even got extra gravy, and then got pot flakes from the grocery?

(After my mashed potato experience and Fred Meyer, they will forever be 'pot' in my vocab!)

I must admit to loving the chicken, too. Not in a craving sort of way, but if I'm feeling nauseated, protein (chicken or peanut butter especially) helps it go away. For a while . . .

Suzanne said...

What? Aversions to chocolate? What?? What???? I mean, what????

Anonymous said...

Hrm.. So I guess Smores are out of the question?