Sunday, October 6, 2013


Henry was tired this afternoon. The pumpkin patch wore him out. He took a long nap, and then napped some more. We brought him downstairs, hoping to wake him up a bit. He slept on my lap. He would wake up long enough to say a word or two "Optimus Prime" "Big Tow Trucks" referring to his favorite toy right now, and his favorite show.
His breathing was slowing, down to 10 a minute. I can't remember the last time he breathed that slow. Luckily, Bob had brought over dinner, so he took Owen to their house for dinner. This allowed me and Lucas to snuggle Henry.  We snuggled him. We watched him breathe. We told him our love would never end. At one point, he signed "all done". We cried. We thought this was it... and how perfect. Surrounded by love.
Then, he woke up a bit to say he wanted "sponge bob macaroni". He slept through the preparation. Then, he ate a 1/4 of a box of macaroni. Then, he wanted to go to bed, and was asleep within 5 minutes. This roller coaster ride is exhausting. Yet, we are trying to enjoy each moment.

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