Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hospital Stay two

On June first, at Kate's birthday party, we noticed a rash on Henry's cheeks. It was a Saturday. We took Henry to see our pediatrician on Monday and were told it was fifths disease. We were happy that it was a "normal" childhood illness. Plus, it was running rampant in the schools, so it made sense that Henry would catch it. But, as the next weekend came around, Henry spiked a high fever. We called our doctor again, and were told to go to the ED. I assumed it would be laughed out of the ED: a three year old with a rash and fever... hahahaha. But, he had low oxygen saturation. And he was breathing fast. And his lungs sounded bad. So, we were admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. He spent two days in the hospital (over St. Baldricks).
We came home, and thought nothing of it. But... things got worse, his fever returned and he was dehydrated. So, admit number two. This time, his rash was worse, and he continued to have high fevers. It took a few days (which seemed like eternity), and many tests, to finally diagnose him with DRESS (drug reaction eosinophilia with systemic symptoms) with Dapsone Hypersensitivity. A really long way to say he had a nasty drug reaction. This drug was to prevent PJP while his immune system was regenerating from chemo. They also decided to treat him for Kawasaki Disease since he had all the symptoms of that too. (complex kid) He spent one night in PICU, and seven nights on the floor.
 This was Henry after going to the OR for a central line. They tried SEVEN times to start an IV, and he was so sick, we pleaded for a central line.
 Owen enjoying some "fun" time with the CCA Music Rx program. We get to borrow instruments while in the hospital.
 Henry sure didn't feel good.
 Owen, Pam and Penguin in the wagon. We sure do love our nurses!
 Katie and Owen in the closet.
 When he was feeling better, you could tell quickly. Henry would create thermometer probe sculptures.
 Owen "got" to play with the new hills of grass outside the hospital.
 Brothers (and Penguin) up for a wagon ride.
 Sleeping feet.
We came home after eight nights. He felt better, but not good. But home is always a better place to be. (most the time)

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