Monday, June 13, 2011


It's hard on Owen having a brother, who is home sometimes and not other times. I'm sure any little brother is hard to deal with at times... and honestly, most the time Owen is so sweet to Henry. But, other times, Henry is just TOO CLOSE. I bribed Owen with a bite of cookie dough to get this picture. It was worth it.

And other times, he just kisses Henry, which just makes Henry glow.

Two sides of brotherhood.

Quote one: When Henry was in the hospital, Owen told Lucas: "Owen kiss brother. Make boo-boo go away. Brother come home." (so sweet!)

Quote two: Lucas was asking Owen if he could eat him.

L: Can I eat your nose?

O: NO!

L: Can I eat your elbow?

O: NO!

L:Can I eat your toes?


L:Well, what can I eat?

O: Brother!

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