Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mis-Quote of the Day

We were getting the boys ready for a bath tonight. While Lucas ran the bath water, I was getting the boys undressed. When Owen was naked, I noticed a black fuzzy on his penis. I asked him to come close so I could take it off. He backed away. I said, "Oh well, it will just come off in the bath". Owen started screaming and crying hysterically. Lucas ran in. I told him that Owen had a fuzzy on his penis, that he won't let me get it, and that it will just come off in the bath. More loud screaming from Owen. Lucas calmly picked Owen up and said, "Buddy, your penis won't come off in the bathtub." He instantly calmed. Poor guy... thought his penis would come off in the bathtub. (Lucas is still glaring at me for scaring his son about losing his penis)

After the bath, Owen wore his new robe. He loves his robe... as does Penguin.

1 comment:

Tony said...

Really great holiday pictures. What a beautiful family you two have!