Thursday, November 11, 2010


To celebrate our seventh year of marriage, Lucas and I went to Astoria. All of our parents helped watch the boys, so we were in Astoria BY OURSELVES!! It was wonderful, relaxing, and exactly what we needed.
We started with the best fish and chips. Served out of a little boat across the street for the Maritime Museum called the Bowpicker. I highly recommend the place.
We were able to mosey, stroll, take our time and enjoy everything on our own time. So nice! Here we are on top of our hotel. It was a typical Oregon coast rainy day.

The next morning was blue and beautiful.
We woke up early, took a morning stroll, ate breakfast and went back to the hotel for a morning nap. Ah... so nice.
Of course we were excited to get back home and see Owen and Henry... but what a fantastic way to celebrate seven years of wonderful marriage.

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