Friday, November 13, 2009


Quick background to story. Owen is starting to get much more independent. AKA: he knows what he wants, can't verbalize it, so he has taken up whining. While the whining is not fun, we are trying to get him to point to what he wants and say "please". This skill is really getting good. While the whining is still present, the pleases are definitely getting used more. Also of note, Owen never calls me mommy. I'm mamma.

So, the other day, Owen was in the kitchen with me. He was opening the cupboard under the sink where the fire extinguisher is kept (no it's not child proofed yet, a project for this weekend). I told him "no" then closed the door. I kept the door closed with my foot while I tried to continue to cook dinner.

Owen looks up at me, points to the door and says in the most cute voice, "mommy. please." He was so careful to sound out each letter. "mommy. please." So cute.

And while I still didn't let him in the cupboard. I was quite proud there was no whining!

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