Sunday, March 31, 2013


As soon as Henry was wheeled to the operating room, Owen asked to eat. He is so good at knowing we can't eat in front of Henry. He chose apples, yogurt and chocolate milk for lunch.
 After about 40 minutes, the surgeon came out and said all went well. He gave us the port-a-cath. Owen was thrilled.
 Maybe we all were. (Unicorn Lucas)
 Henry, sleeping in PACU.
 Owen helped wheel Henry back to day surgery.
 He was still sleeping soundly. Then I told him we had chocolate milk and white pretzels. This perked him right up. As a nurse, giving a kid chocolate milk right after anesthesia is horrifying. But, knowing Henry, as a mom, I gave it to him with no worries in my mind.
 Enjoying white pretzels.
 There's the port.
 The nurse gave us a barf bag, assuming Henry would lose it. But, Henry found it to be an enjoyable toy carrying device.
They warned us that he would be painful... but I think we gave Tylenol to help us feel better. He was marching around like nothing happened. Tough kid.

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