Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Another first

On Owen's first day of school, he got another first: first stitches. Officially not AT school, but on the same day.  Lucas and the boys were at a park, while I was stuck in ACLS. I called to check in, and Lucas asked where to take Owen for stitches. I, of course thought he was joking until I heard Owen crying in the background. I was able to sneak out early, and met them at urgent care right before the stitch. Owen was so brave, Lucas was so calm, and Henry... well, I think he was just thankful it wasn't him in the doctor's seat this time. Owen officially got one stitch and two steri-strips. The doctor said most of the chin was left at the park, hence, unstitchable. 
 He also took a nice bite of his tongue. A little tough to see, but it's on Owen's right. The best part of biting your tongue and needing stitches: ice cream for dinner!

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