Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cannon Beach

We woke up this morning to cloudy skies, and the chance of rain. We had no plans, so Lucas and I decided we should go to the beach. Rain can't keep us away from a day at the beach. So, we quickly packed up the car, loaded two very excited boy and started the drive. It rained. It poured. But when we got to the beach, it was BEAUTIFUL! 

Three boys ahead of me.

 We dug a hole, it filled with water and the boys were happy. It was a boat, a swimming pool, and a rocket ship.
 Both boys were soaked within 15 minutes.

 Look at those two healthy ankles. (well, healing nicely at least)

 While we played mostly in a little "river" instead of the waves, the tide came in rather quickly. It ended up covering our hole and we had to move out of the water.
 When we were done with water, we put the kids in dry clothes and continued to play on the sand.

 Sitting watching the tide come in...
 I wonder what he's thinking about.

 Two boys, lounging in the sun.
 After contemplating life, it was time to run. And run. And run.
 Then some time with mom and dad.

 Technically, not touching the water.
 When both boys were minutes away from collapsing, we walked to get some hot cocoa.
 Very happy boy.

 Very tired boy.
We had a great time... so thankful the weather surprised us. When we were starting the drive home, the rain started. Perfect timing for a perfect day.

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