Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cute Quotes

Owen is growing up so fast. He just keeps coming up with the cutest quotes.

Owen was playing with his toys, when he told me his truck was broken. I said, that was sad. He replied, "no worries. I just give him some blood and chemo and he will be all better!" Then he fixed the truck with a chop stick, and told me his truck was ALL BETTER. "The boo-boo is all gone."

Lucas was parallel parking the van. When he was done, Owen (from the backseat) said, "Good job daddy! You stayed calm, and thought it through and you DID IT!"

Usually, when Owen is done napping, he calls us and we go upstairs and get him. Yesterday, I heard his door open, and heard him coming downstairs. He said, "I'm a grown up. I woke up all by myself. I come downstairs just like a grown up."

We told Owen that if he ate a good dinner, we would have hot cocoa and walk up to see the Christmas lights, he said, "that sounds like a FINE idea."

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