Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Yesterday, me and the boys went to Oceanside. Lucas had to work. Never fear, I did not go by myself... I met up with my friends Tiffany and Eric, and their dog Huck. It was a typical Oregon coast day, cold, grey and windy... we had a great time!
Owen taking a moment from carrying stick to play with his shovel.
He decided using his hand as a shovel was pretty funny... he would take a handful of sand, carried on the back of his hand, and dump it in the bucket.
Owen was quite happy walking around with his two sticks. The sticks would vary in shape and size, he would switch when he found a better one.

Huck did amazing... it's hard for a dog to know that the sticks are OWEN's toys, not his. He only stole a stick once or twice.
Tiffy, Owen and Huck.
We had amazing timing... no rain while we were there, but it POURED on our way home! The boys did great on the drive, slept the entire way home...

1 comment:

javajill said...

Oh, how I wish I was there, too.