Monday, April 19, 2010

Cannon Beach

Yesterday, we went to Cannon Beach. It was a beautiful day. Owen had a great time... we all did. I just love watching Owen discover new things. Hence, I took a ton of pictures!

This is right when we set up our blanket... he was off! Lucas went to chase him... I stayed back for a minute to feed Henry. He wasn't a huge fan of the beach. After eating, he spent the rest of the time snuggled up to me in a front carrier.
The boys.

"Dad, I want to go deeper"
Every time Owen would stumble a little, he would reach out for Lucas. So cute.
Owen didn't seem to mind his hands and feet and legs and tummy being red and cold! He would just take handfuls of sand and put it in the water. It was a mission of his: get all the sand into the water.
What's better than cold water? Sticks!
Two sticks! The sticks even made our family photo!
Two sticks, a tired, soaked boy and his daddy.
What's better than two sticks? A shovel.
Better than that shovel? A bucket. So much concentration. If all the sand can't get into the water, maybe all the sand could get in the bucket.

Me and Henry.
Me and my boys.

And, two cute videos of Owen.

We had so much fun... and were back home by early afternoon. A perk to getting to the beach first thing! I think we may go again next weekend.

1 comment:

MOM said...

I loved hearing Owen's little feet prints as he toddled off from the water to the sand! Soooo cute!