Thank goodness for good friends who watch after your best interests. Our friend Tony, knows how much Lucas loves airplanes. Tony is also always up-to-date on the happenings around town. He told Lucas that a B-17 would be for viewing at Hillsboro airport this weekend. We, of course, planned our weekend around this. So, we brought along Nick and Brock to join in our airplane nerdiness....
Here we are waiting for the B-17 to land. For only $425, you too could ride in the plane... Lucas is still mad at me because I said no.
Lucas took great video of it taxiing right in front of us. There are only twelve flying B-17s left from WWII.
It held 10 crew. The statistic went something like: you wouldn't survive more that five missions because they were shot down so often.
I only hope Owen loves planes as much as Lucas when he grows up...
The cockpit. The pilot says it handles like a dump truck without power steering. Lucas spent over 10 minutes talking with the pilot... he was walking on clouds afterwards.
Lucas exiting the plane from the rear of the aircraft... He was so happy... I almost wish I let him fly... good thing it will be back next year... so if anyone wants to give him a great birthday present, let me know!

(currently we are watching the History Channel. They are spot-lighting the Liberty Bell... the B-17 we just saw!)
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