Saturday, May 2, 2009

Growing Up

It's amazing how fast Owen is growing up. In the past week he looks so much more like a little boy...
Now, when Lucas puts him on his shoulders, Owen actually helps sit up there.

It could be because he likes being so close to the ceiling!Some bath time pictures... his hair is almost long enough to do a little Mohawk.

He is so busy in the bath, looking at everything, grabbing everything, playing with everything. It's quite challenging at times.
"look my soap!"

"I'll also need a rinse" (yes, that's a Costco sized salsa container... we reduce, reuse and recycle)

"Let me at my toys" (there's Moshel the Jewish Duck, Arrrr-nie the Pirate Duck, and you can almost see the Crab-Man)

After bath, we had some naked baby time on our bed.
A rare serious pose. Now-a-days he's such a ham to the camera... that he was serious just means he's tired.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

You must trust him a lot to do nakee baby in bed! :) He is so sweet, and I love all of that dark hair!