Saturday, May 30, 2009

Let's start with the Cake

When I told Lucas I was going to make a cake for Owen's birthday, I asked Lucas what type of cake he thought Owen would like. "Pshaw... duh, an airplane cake" was the reply.

So, for the last few weeks, I've planned. And I started the process yesterday. I always had a perfect picture of the final product in my head... but prepared myself for the "it was made with love... but looks funny" cake. (sometimes it's good to have low expectations)

Step one: bake the cake.
Step two: wait 18 hours.
Step three: start assembly and frosting
Final product: Airplane in the sky.

I liked the finished product. It was made with love AND I think it turned out cute!


Suzanne said...

But what type of plane is that? :)

It looks so good, and tasty, too!

nro said...

love it! actually, i was sent here to see it by my husband, who was talking up the plane cake! :) i guess i better see if my cookie skills translate to cake making skills - a necessity in this family! :)

marla said...

If your cookie skills translate even 10% onto cakes... your cake skills will outdo mine!