Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Alaska: day two: reindeer

Sunday morning, we drove to the Reindeer farm. We started by exploring the grounds.
Owen and a moose skull.
 Enjoying some bunny time.
 Lucas was hungry.
 Liberty was quite happy holding the rabbits.
Owen tried to get a sneak peak.
 When we got to go into the farm, we had a lesson on reindeer (aka caribou). Both male and female reindeer have antlers, they grow a new set each year. When they are growing in, they are covered in a felt-like fur, that is very sensitive to touch. So, we couldn't touch them, though if they touched us, it was ok. They are very gentle, and love to eat. They don't have bottom teeth... just top ones.

 We each got a cup of food to feed the reindeer. Owen was surrounded by animals bigger than himself, he was calm and brave. I'll admit, I was a little nervous.

 When the cups of food were empty, we showed them our empty hands, and they would walk away.

 Three reindeer...
 They had one bison on the farm. Her name was Dolly. Her best friend was a moose, who died a few months back.
 Next, we got to see elk. Which aren't as friendly as reindeer, so we had to feed them through the gates.

 Matt would find the greens that they liked, then would share them with the kids.

 More reindeer from Lucas' camera.

 I love this picture of Allie!
After feeding them, we fed us. A lovely picnic in the Alaskan air. It was perfect.

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