Monday, May 2, 2011


I realize that I haven't updated this blog in a while about Henry's progress. Lucas and I both update our Caring Bridge blog often, but this one I seem to neglect. So, here's the update.

When your child has cancer, every day, every hour is a roller coaster. This past round of chemo was pretty rough on Henry. He developed horrible mouth sores, which made him not want to eat. He actually stopped eating, so we started TPN (all his nutrients and calories provided via his central line) But, when he started receiving all the calories he needed, he started playing and laughing and learning more than he has is a few weeks. Good and bad. Up and down.

We got a phone call last Thursday that told us his bone marrow biopsy he had on Wednesday showed he was in remission. In the same conversation, we were told to check in the next day to start a four week round of chemo. Up and down.

On Friday, we went to the clinic to start chemo. We were told that we would get to go home after chemo, and check in to the hospital for four weeks on Sunday. Good news, we get to go home. But then Henry's labs came back. He didn't have enough neutraphils (a type of WBC) to start chemo. Good and bad. Another weekend at home, but another delay in treatment.

Spending time at home is wonderful, normal, and perfect. But knowing what's looming ahead of us is like a million bricks holding us down. We laugh, we cry, we laugh because we're crying. A crazy roller coaster.

Ultimately we focus on the fact that Henry is doing really well for everything he's going through. He's close to walking, starting to babble more and makes us laugh. As long as we keep hearing that our oncologists are happy with his progress, we too will be happy.

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