Today Lucas and I got new glasses. Or, rather Lucas got new frames and lenses and I just got new lenses, as I love both of my frames, I was just tired of squinting. For two hours I was blind... thank goodness Lucas was driving. Thankfully Binyons really does make a nice pair of glasses quickly.
While we were there, we decided to see what Owen would look like in a few years, as I highly doubt he can overcome his genes and NOT wear glasses.
Here he is sporting the Sally Jesse Raphael style.

And then a more Buddy Holly look.
He also looked charming in a wire frame... which do you think he'll wear, and in how old will he be when he earns his first pair?
I'm loving the Buddy Holly look!
And I'll wager he makes it until 6th grade before he needs glasses. At least I hope. I can't imagine little boys and glasses going together very well. Abigail busted two pairs last month (partly due to boys in the house, big and small) and she is SO careful with her frames most of the time.
Sally Jesse's glasses are very stylish on Owen. Can he introduce me to her? I'd like to use his connections.
I am partial to the black pair. What a cutie!
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