Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Humbling comment

Lucas and I were walking with my niece Abigail this weekend. This was a conversation that was definitely humbling for me.

Lucas: Abigail, are you going to be taller than Marla when you grow up?
Abigail: No, (dramatic pause) but I'm going to be smarter.

You can't fault her, she's only four and a half, and she is VERY smart already. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if she were right.


Suzanne said...

Mental note: work on humbleness. Abigail also announced she wanted to be a farmer today. Or a ballerina. Or an architect. So I'm picturing her in a tutu designing barns.

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

It was me, I deleted. I posted and it showed up twice, so I thought I would just remove one, but now it looks fishy. So I take credit for the double click. :)